Wow, our girls are growing up. Today we got 4 eggs. One white but small, one very large pinkish brown, one dark brown and one light brown. We know we have at least 4 of the 15 hens laying but we may have more.
We can tell which ones are the layers because if you go to pick them up and they do what we call the Chicken Dance then you know that that bird is laying. The chicken dance is a submissive thing that hens do when they are receptive to a rooster but for some reason they do it for a human too. When you walk up to them they squat down and lift their wings without spreading them, kindof like when a human shrugs. Sometimes they also run in place. It looks funny like a dance, hence the name we gave it.
I decided to eat scrambled eggs for dinner tonight and when cracked the two biggest ones they were both double yolked. So that would be three doubles so far since we had one a week ago too.
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